Корнецький Сергій

35-річний Сергій 17-го жовтня у зоні АТО отримав тяжкі опіки тіла.
Тоді від іскри з труби спалахнула, як сірник палатка, яка не була оброблена протипожежною сумішшю. Хлопці за секунди вилітали з неї, а Сергій, який спав у спальнику, затримався на мить і ця мить коштувала йому дуже дорого.
Форма, яка не повинна горіти, буквально вплавилась в тіло і її відривали шматками з тіла бійця 55-ї бригади. Він отримав тяжкі опіки 70% тіла, обпечені дихальні шляхи.
Дніпропетровські лікарі борються за його життя. Але головне те, що він сам сказав своїй мамі, що буде боротися за життя, адже багато людей зболівають за нього і вірять в нього!
Він ще не знайшов ту єдину, з якою має народжувати та виховувати діточок.
Давайте разом підтримаємо Сергія та його маму.
Картка ПриватБанку: 5168 7572 0114 5895 Корнецкая Валентина Ивановна(мама).
Kornetsky, Serhiy
Profile created: on the 29th of October, 2015
Region: Cernivtsi oblast
35-year-old Serhiy Kornetsky, a soldier of the 55th Artillery Brigade from Zaporizhya, got severe body burns on the 17th of October in the ATO zone.
The tent in which soldiers slept was not treated with fire-prevention mixture, therefore it blazed up like a match with a spark from a heating stove chimney. Other soldiers escaped from the tent within seconds but Serhiy who was sleeping in a sleeping bag stayed there for a moment which cost him very much.
The uniform considered to be fireproof [supposedly the uniform of code number 2701] literally fused in his body, and doctors had to tear it away from him piece by piece. He got severe burns of 70% of his body and an inhalation burn.
Doctors in Dnipropetrovsk started to fight for saving his life. But the main thing is he told himself to his mom he would fight to survive because he knew many people support him and believe in him!
He has not met the only girl yet with whom he will bring up their kids.
Let’s support Serhiy and his mom together.
Card number in “Privatbank”: 5168 7572 0114 5895, recipient Kornetskaya, Valentina Ivanovna (Serhiy’s mother).
Updated information:
the 8th of November, 2015
Serhiy has been transferred to Kiev for further medical treatment. At the moment he is in the “Burn Center” hospital. Doctors have performed an operation during which they partially removed necrosis. Serhiy started to come to consciousness. Now tens of operations are ahead including ones of skin transplantation.