Кушнір Олександр

Боєць 90-го батальйону Олександр Кушнір отримав осколкові поранення і контузію 9 червня 2015 в Опитному.
Внаслідок чого у нього погано функціонує ліва рука, постійні головні болі, з'явилися дефекти мови, заїкання. Сашкові необхідна довга реабілітація, повідомляє Сергій Кузьміних.
Саша за словами товаришів по службі завжди відрізнявся силою духу і неймовірною мужністю.
Хто бажає допомогти Олександру, номер картки ПриватБанк 4149 4978 3024 8391, одержувач Кушнір Олександр Вікторович.
Kushnir, Oleksandr
Profile created: on the 4th of September, 2015
Region: Chernivtsi oblast
A soldier of the 90th detached aeromobile battalion Oleksandr Kushnir got missile wounds and brain contusion on the 9th of June, 2015 in Opytne village in Yasynuvata district of Donetsk oblast.
As a result of injuries his left arm functions badly, he has persistent headaches, speech defects and stammering have appeared. Oleksandr needs long-term rehabilitation, Serhiy Kuzminykh reports.
According to Oleksandr’s fellow soldiers, he has always been notable for his courage and incredible fortitude.
For those who want to help Oleksandr, his card number in “Privatbank” is 4149 4978 3024 8391, recipient Kushnir Oleksanr Viktorovych.
[Scanned document:
[Coat of Arms of Ukraine] Attachment 5
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to the Regulations
Military Unit on Military Medical Expertise
Field Post Office in Armed Forces of Ukraine
Code B1611
June 18th, 2015
on the circumstances of the injury (wound, contusion, mutilation)
of private soldier Kushnir Oleksandr Viktorovych
(military rank, last name, first name and patronymic)
born in 1983
(year of birth)
On the 9th of June, 2015, the patient got: Mine-explosive trauma, medium severity contusion, multiple missile wounds of the left side and missile wound of the abdominal wall left side.
(description of the kind, type and localization of the injury, trauma, contusion, mutilation)
Circumstances of the injury: on the 9th of June, 2015 at 6 P.M. on carrying out the anti-terrorist operation during performing a combat task near Opytne village in Yasynuvata district of Donetsk oblast, at the moment of a tank bombardment.
(detailed description of the injury circumstances: during execution phase, place, in service, on vacation, alcoholic intoxication took place/did not take place)
Grounds for the reference: by order of the commander of the military unit, field post office B1611 on the 9th of June, 2015, #165.
Issued for the place of request.
Caretaker of the commander of the military unit field post office B1611
major [signature] V.M.Kotvitsky
Medical center head
of the military unit field post office B1611,
lieutenant of the medical service [signature] V.S.Mryshchuk
[Scanned document 2:
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
Chernivtsi Military Hospital (military unit A 1028)
Discharge epicrisis #2008
The soldier on mobilization of the military unit field post office B1611 O.V.Kushnir, born in 1983, was under inpatient treatment in the surgical department of the military unit A 1028 from the 9th of July, 2015 to the 3rd of August, 2015 with the diagnosis:
Condition after gunshot missile wounds of: lumbar region on the left, scapula region on the left, left hip, soft tissues of the left shoulder joint (the 9th of June, 2015); after wounds primary surgical d-bridement (the 9th of June, 2015), laparocentesis (the 10th of June, 2015), lumbar region wounds recurrent surgical d-bridement (the 15th of June, 2015), foreign body surgical removal in the left shoulder joint region (the 18th of June, 2015). Nonstable combined contracture of the left shoulder joint. Condition after sustained mine-explosive trauma (the 9th of June, 2015) and ears acoustic trauma after traumatic subacute bilateral neuritis.
Short anamnesis:
According to the patient and under medical documents (discharge epicrisis from the Military Medical Clinical center #9680, issued on the 9th of June, 2015; reference #941 issued on the 18th of June, 2015 by the commander of the military unit field post office B1611 on circumstances of injury, - about 6 P.M. on the 9th of June, 2015 the patient got injuries on carrying out the anti-terrorist operation during performing a combat task near Opytne village in Yasynuvata district of Donetsk oblast, at the moment of a tank bombardment. After that he was delivered to Selidovo Central District Hospital where wounds primary surgical d-bridement was performed. Then the patient was evacuated to the surgical department of Dnipropetrovsk Military Hospital. On the 12th of June, 2015 he was airlifted to the Military Medical Clinical Center of the South Region where on the 15th of June, 2015 lumbar region wounds recurrent surgical d-bridement was performed, and on the 18th of June, 2015 foreign body surgical removal in the left shoulder joint region was performed using the EOC (electrooptical converter). Discharged from the department on the 30th of June, 2015 because of absence without leave, after that the patient was in the military unit. On the 9th of July, 2015 he was sent by the military unit commander to the military unit A 1028 and there hospitalized to the surgical department.
Medical treatment got by the patient: regimen, diet, papaverine, pentoxifylline, thiocetam, ATP (adenosine triphosphate), trifas, proserin, cervical spine therapeutic massage.
The patient has been consulted by the hospital specialists.
Discharged in satisfactory condition.
Analyses findings for the day of discharge:
Blood analysis of the 30th of July, 2015: hemoglobin – 154 g/l; erythrocytes – 5,05 x 1012 /l; leukocytes – 18,3 x 109 /l; ESR – 2 mm/hour; lymphocytes – 19,7%; monocytes – 3,5%; granulocytes – 76,8%. Biochemical blood analysis of the 10th of July, 2015: whole protein – 69,7 g/l; sugar – 3,7 micromole per liter; whole bilirubin – 12,07 micromole per liter; alanine transaminase – 10,7 U/L; aspartate transaminase – 17,3 U/L; blood urea – 3,2 micromole per liter; creatinine – 93,4 micromole per liter. Coagulation testing of the 10th of July, 2015: prothrombin index – 100%; prothrombin time – 16 seconds; blood plasma fibrin – 3,3 g/l; hematocrit 48%. Blood group A(II), Rhesus positive (+).
Thorax fluorography #(?) of the 15th of June, 2015 – heart and lungs without abnormal changes. ECG of the 10th of July, 2015: accelerated right atrium rhythm with cardiac rhythm 77 per 1 minute. Normal location of EAH (electrical axis of heart). Incomplete BHRB (bundle of His right branch) block. Early ventricles of heart repolarization syndrome.
Radiographic examination of cervical spine #809 of the 14th of July, 2015 is on X-ray pictures C1-C7, no bones abnormal changes found.
Radiographic examination of the left shoulder joint #922 of the 16th of July, 2015 – no traumatic changes of the left shoulder joint found.
Audiogram of the 13th of July, 2015 – bilateral acute cochlear neuritis, hearing loss of AS and AD of 1st level. Audiogram of the 24th of July, 2015 – right-side chronic cochlear neuritis, hearing loss of AD of 1st level, AS – normal.
Military medical commission conclusion: On the grounds of the article 81, column II of the Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine #402 of the 14th of August, 2008 the patient needs to be exempted from duty for a period of fifteen calendar days.
Injuries ARE connected with executing military service duties.
To execute the military medical commission conclusion; general blood analysis control, surgical examination and therapist examination in 10 days.
Head of the surgical department [signature] Y.S.Tsaryuk
Surgical department senior resident [signature] V.G.Pasternak